Ethical Management


Leap to be a global corporation of trust and respect

Binggrae is a corporation to promote "ethics and moral," and it respect the order of free laissez faire market of fair and transparent competition and promotes the corporate activities to abide by laws and regulations and legal spirits.

Through professional and efficient management activities, Binggrae creates wealth and values and impartially distributes the above to the parties of interest to coexist and develop along with all parties of interest.

Therefore, Binggrae regards the ethical corporate culture as the best value and as the foundation to become the global corporation with trust and respect.

The order of free laissez faire market - The global corporation with trust and respect - Ethics and moral The order of free laissez faire market - The global corporation with trust and respect - Ethics and moral

Main Contents

Chapter 1. Responsibilities for Customer

With the clear principle regarding a customer as the foundation of our existence and the reason of our existence, the company shall take heed of the trust with customers and shall promote safety and health of customers with honest products.

1. Customer Trust
  • The company shall tell only the truth to customers, and the company shall keep all promises to customers.
  • The information needed to be disclosed to customers or the information to be disclosed shall be disclosed actively.
  • The customer information shall not be disclosed without any agreement by a customer, and the customer information shall not be used for any other purpose or use.
2. Customer Satisfaction
  • The company shall endlessly create the true values to be practically helpful and satisfactory for customers.
  • The company shall provide the best-quality products and services demanded by customers for a rational price.
  • The company shall listen to the voices of customers at all time, shall regard the sincere demand by customers to be correct at all time, and shall regard customer satisfaction as the primary standard of all decisions and activities.
  • The company shall ensure various channels of communication with customers for customers to easily propose complaints or suggestions at all time, the channels shall be disclosed, and the company shall quickly and accurately respond to the fair demand by customers.
  • If there is a conflict between interest of customer and interest of company, the company shall think and make a judgment from customer's perspective.
Chapter 2. Responsibilities for Shareholders and Investors

The company shall consider the corporate value through management innovation and growth strategy to protect profits of shareholders and investors.

1. Reconsideration of Corporate Value
  • The company shall enhance the future value by expanding challenging and innovative management activities.
  • The company shall study ideas continuously and establish an innovative system to ensure the competitive advantage through reinforcement of market-driving power. The company shall continuously enlarge the corporate value through IR activities for active shareholders and investors.
2. Formation of Shareholder Profit
  • The company shall promote stable growth through profit-oriented management activities and shall make decisions to maximize the profits for shareholders and investors.
  • The company shall respect rights and investment profits of shareholders and investors and shall protect profits of shareholders through fair dividend.
3. Providing Information
  • To fulfill the rights of knowing and fair requirements by shareholders and investors, the company shall provide quick and accurate information through various channels.
Chapter 3. Responsibilities for Executives and Employees

The company shall become the bonanza of great human resources and best experts to be the best workplace in the industry.

1. Respect Executives and Employees
  • The human dignity and individual unique values of executives and employees shall be recognized.
  • All authoritarian components in work and personnel affairs shall be minimized to make the environment for all executives and employees to promote work voluntarily with conviction.
2. Impartial Treatment
  • To promote performance-based system and to reward complying with the performance.
  • Through impartial and objective evaluation and reward, everyone shall be treated fairly.
  • The equal opportunities for recruitment, development of competence, promotion, and reward shall be provided to everyone.
3. Promotion of Human Resource
  • The overall system to promote autonomous and creative human resource growing along with the company shall be established, this system shall be activated, and this system shall be supported actively. Necessary advices and instructions for aptitudes and talents of executives and employees shall be openhanded, and human resources shall be promoted with a long-term perspective.
4. Formation of Safe and Clean Work Environment
  • The work condition and the work environment shall be improved by concerning safety and health of employees as priority.
  • The company shall develop and implement the programs actively to form cultural environment and to expand welfare facilities to improve the quality of life of employees.
5. Establishment of Liberal Communication Culture
  • The liberal atmosphere shall be formed for employees to open their ideas or difficulties freely.
Chapter 4. Responsibilities for Cooperative Companies

The company shall establish the future-oriented mutual cooperative relationship with cooperative companies to contribute to the long-term mutual development.

1. Impartial Selection of Company
  • Under the principle of laissez faire, the company shall provide equal opportunities for all qualified companies.
  • The selection of cooperative companies shall be conducted transparently under objective and rational standards of evaluation to select the best management partners.
  • There shall be no transaction with the company with accounting fraud, environmental pollution, or any other violation of laws or regulations.
2. Establishment of Partnership and Formation of Clean Trade Culture
  • The company shall not exercise any unjust enforcement or influence by using superior status and dominant position.
  • From the long-term perspective, the company shall support actively for cooperative companies to have competitiveness to establish the image of corporation to be preferred and trusted by cooperative companies.
  • The company shall not receive any money and valuable, treat, or expedience.
  • The company shall not disclose any technical information or trade secrets acquired during transaction with cooperative companies, and the company shall not use any of it for any unjust profit.
Chapter 5. Responsibilities for Competitors

The company shall respect the principles of laissez faire and shall ensure the superiority in competition with sincere competence.

  • The company shall take the competition as an opportunity for mutual development, shall respect the order of market economy, and shall exercise a fair competition of good will.
  • The company shall not spread any falsehood or use unofficial weakness of competitors.
  • The company shall put the best effort along with competitors to keep fair competition and trade order.
Chapter 6. Responsibilities for Country and Society

The company shall promote legal and ethical business to contribute to rich life of people and social development.

1. Law Abidance
  • The company shall keep the corresponding laws and regulations in all countries and regions of social activities and shall keep morality, and the company shall respect culture, customs, and social values.
  • The data for tax shall be recorded and managed accurately to fulfill the duties of tax payment sincerely.
  • There shall be no discrimination due to race, nationality, gender, school, religion, or region.
  • The company shall not infringe any intellectual property right of others without a just right.
2. No Participation in Politics
  • The company shall respect political conscience and expression of individual employees, but the employees shall not use the title of corporation to be involved in politics.
  • The company shall not provide any illegal or unofficial political funds to politicians or candidates of officials.
3. Contribution to Local Community
  • The company shall create employment through honest corporate activities to contribute to the development of local communities.
  • The company shall disclose welfare facilities and support the vulnerable classes for local residents near the business site.
  • The company shall recommend and support participation of activities of local communities by employees to improve the sense of unity between company and local communities.
  • The connection with NGO shall be reinforced.
Chapter 7. Duties of Executives and Employees

We shall be proud of the fact that we are the people of Binggrae, and we shall keep ethical standards and corporate regulations and principles to carry the business impartially.

1. Basic Ethics
  • We shall be proud of being the people of Binggrae, and we shall behave as so.
  • We shall concentrate on our business, shall put full effort, and shall remove any time-wasting component.
  • We shall have high ethical values, shall maintain individual dignity and honor, and shall maintain sound consumption life to be complied with and within our incomes and status.
  • We shall fulfill our duties and responsibilities to promote safety of the company, and in case of emergency or danger, we shall put the utmost effort to recover the company.
2. Occupational Ethics
  • We shall take care of business impartially regardless of any interest, school, region, relationship, or external pressure.
  • We shall keep ethical standards, laws and regulations, corporate regulations, and principles.
  • Regarding work, we shall never receive any money, valuable, or treat.
  • We shall not disclose any customer information, corporate secret, management information, or business information to outside.
  • We shall not have any internal trade by using confidential information, and we shall not disclose any information acquired from business to an internal or external third party.
  • We shall not use any supply or expense for personal affairs.
3. Mutual Respect for Executives and Employees
  • We shall not perform any unpleasant behavior or language to others, and we shall keep manner.
  • There shall be no discrimination due to region, gender, religion, race, or others.
  • There shall be no unjust solicitation among executives and employees.
  • We shall not perform any behavior inducing sexual humiliation such as filthy talk, physical contact, or connection into pornographic websites.
4. Self-improvement
  • We shall establish plans to develop our expertise and global competence and implement them actively.
  • We shall try our best effort to become the best expert in our duties and shall raise wide views and knowledges about other jobs to promote the profit of the entire company.
Responsibilities for Customer
Chapter 1. Responsibilities for Customer

With the clear principle regarding a customer as the foundation of our existence and the reason of our existence, the company shall take heed of the trust with customers and shall promote safety and health of customers with honest products.

1. Customer Trust
  • The company shall tell only the truth to customers, and the company shall keep all promises to customers.
  • The information needed to be disclosed to customers or the information to be disclosed shall be disclosed actively.
  • The customer information shall not be disclosed without any agreement by a customer, and the customer information shall not be used for any other purpose or use.
2. Customer Satisfaction
  • The company shall endlessly create the true values to be practically helpful and satisfactory for customers.
  • The company shall provide the best-quality products and services demanded by customers for a rational price.
  • The company shall listen to the voices of customers at all time, shall regard the sincere demand by customers to be correct at all time, and shall regard customer satisfaction as the primary standard of all decisions and activities.
  • The company shall ensure various channels of communication with customers for customers to easily propose complaints or suggestions at all time, the channels shall be disclosed, and the company shall quickly and accurately respond to the fair demand by customers.
  • If there is a conflict between interest of customer and interest of company, the company shall think and make a judgment from customer's perspective.
Responsibilities for Shareholders and Investors
Chapter 2. Responsibilities for Shareholders and Investors

The company shall consider the corporate value through management innovation and growth strategy to protect profits of shareholders and investors.

1. Reconsideration of Corporate Value
  • The company shall enhance the future value by expanding challenging and innovative management activities.
  • The company shall study ideas continuously and establish an innovative system to ensure the competitive advantage through reinforcement of market-driving power. The company shall continuously enlarge the corporate value through IR activities for active shareholders and investors.
2. Formation of Shareholder Profit
  • The company shall promote stable growth through profit-oriented management activities and shall make decisions to maximize the profits for shareholders and investors.
  • The company shall respect rights and investment profits of shareholders and investors and shall protect profits of shareholders through fair dividend.
3. Providing Information
  • To fulfill the rights of knowing and fair requirements by shareholders and investors, the company shall provide quick and accurate information through various channels.
Responsibilities for Executives and Employees
Chapter 3. Responsibilities for Executives and Employees

The company shall become the bonanza of great human resources and best experts to be the best workplace in the industry.

1. Respect Executives and Employees
  • The human dignity and individual unique values of executives and employees shall be recognized.
  • All authoritarian components in work and personnel affairs shall be minimized to make the environment for all executives and employees to promote work voluntarily with conviction.
2. Impartial Treatment
  • To promote performance-based system and to reward complying with the performance.
  • Through impartial and objective evaluation and reward, everyone shall be treated fairly.
  • The equal opportunities for recruitment, development of competence, promotion, and reward shall be provided to everyone.
3. Promotion of Human Resource
  • The overall system to promote autonomous and creative human resource growing along with the company shall be established, this system shall be activated, and this system shall be supported actively. Necessary advices and instructions for aptitudes and talents of executives and employees shall be openhanded, and human resources shall be promoted with a long-term perspective.
4. Formation of Safe and Clean Work Environment
  • The work condition and the work environment shall be improved by concerning safety and health of employees as priority.
  • The company shall develop and implement the programs actively to form cultural environment and to expand welfare facilities to improve the quality of life of employees.
5. Establishment of Liberal Communication Culture
  • The liberal atmosphere shall be formed for employees to open their ideas or difficulties freely.
Responsibilities for Cooperative Companies
Chapter 4. Responsibilities for Cooperative Companies

The company shall establish the future-oriented mutual cooperative relationship with cooperative companies to contribute to the long-term mutual development.

1. Impartial Selection of Company
  • Under the principle of laissez faire, the company shall provide equal opportunities for all qualified companies.
  • The selection of cooperative companies shall be conducted transparently under objective and rational standards of evaluation to select the best management partners.
  • There shall be no transaction with the company with accounting fraud, environmental pollution, or any other violation of laws or regulations.
2. Establishment of Partnership and Formation of Clean Trade Culture
  • The company shall not exercise any unjust enforcement or influence by using superior status and dominant position.
  • From the long-term perspective, the company shall support actively for cooperative companies to have competitiveness to establish the image of corporation to be preferred and trusted by cooperative companies.
  • The company shall not receive any money and valuable, treat, or expedience.
  • The company shall not disclose any technical information or trade secrets acquired during transaction with cooperative companies, and the company shall not use any of it for any unjust profit.
Responsibilities for Competitors
Chapter 5. Responsibilities for Competitors

The company shall respect the principles of laissez faire and shall ensure the superiority in competition with sincere competence.

  • The company shall take the competition as an opportunity for mutual development, shall respect the order of market economy, and shall exercise a fair competition of good will.
  • The company shall not spread any falsehood or use unofficial weakness of competitors.
  • The company shall put the best effort along with competitors to keep fair competition and trade order.
Responsibilities for Country and Society
Chapter 6. Responsibilities for Country and Society

The company shall promote legal and ethical business to contribute to rich life of people and social development.

1. Law Abidance
  • The company shall keep the corresponding laws and regulations in all countries and regions of social activities and shall keep morality, and the company shall respect culture, customs, and social values.
  • The data for tax shall be recorded and managed accurately to fulfill the duties of tax payment sincerely.
  • There shall be no discrimination due to race, nationality, gender, school, religion, or region.
  • The company shall not infringe any intellectual property right of others without a just right.
2. No Participation in Politics
  • The company shall respect political conscience and expression of individual employees, but the employees shall not use the title of corporation to be involved in politics.
  • The company shall not provide any illegal or unofficial political funds to politicians or candidates of officials.
3. Contribution to Local Community
  • The company shall create employment through honest corporate activities to contribute to the development of local communities.
  • The company shall disclose welfare facilities and support the vulnerable classes for local residents near the business site.
  • The company shall recommend and support participation of activities of local communities by employees to improve the sense of unity between company and local communities.
  • The connection with NGO shall be reinforced.
Duties of Executives and Employees
Chapter 7. Duties of Executives and Employees

We shall be proud of the fact that we are the people of Binggrae, and we shall keep ethical standards and corporate regulations and principles to carry the business impartially.

1. Basic Ethics
  • We shall be proud of being the people of Binggrae, and we shall behave as so.
  • We shall concentrate on our business, shall put full effort, and shall remove any time-wasting component.
  • We shall have high ethical values, shall maintain individual dignity and honor, and shall maintain sound consumption life to be complied with and within our incomes and status.
  • We shall fulfill our duties and responsibilities to promote safety of the company, and in case of emergency or danger, we shall put the utmost effort to recover the company.
2. Occupational Ethics
  • We shall take care of business impartially regardless of any interest, school, region, relationship, or external pressure.
  • We shall keep ethical standards, laws and regulations, corporate regulations, and principles.
  • Regarding work, we shall never receive any money, valuable, or treat.
  • We shall not disclose any customer information, corporate secret, management information, or business information to outside.
  • We shall not have any internal trade by using confidential information, and we shall not disclose any information acquired from business to an internal or external third party.
  • We shall not use any supply or expense for personal affairs.
3. Mutual Respect for Executives and Employees
  • We shall not perform any unpleasant behavior or language to others, and we shall keep manner.
  • There shall be no discrimination due to region, gender, religion, race, or others.
  • There shall be no unjust solicitation among executives and employees.
  • We shall not perform any behavior inducing sexual humiliation such as filthy talk, physical contact, or connection into pornographic websites.
4. Self-improvement
  • We shall establish plans to develop our expertise and global competence and implement them actively.
  • We shall try our best effort to become the best expert in our duties and shall raise wide views and knowledges about other jobs to promote the profit of the entire company.