Investment Index

Investment Index - Dividend for Past 3 years
Dividend for Past 3 years
Type The 49th (~2014/12) The 50th (~2015/12) The 51th (~2016/12)
Current Net Profit (1M KRW) 37,676 24,315 27,540
EPS (1M KRW) 4,261 2,750 3,115
Total Dividend Amount (1M KRW) 11,052 11,052 11,052
Payout Ratio (%) 29.3 45.5 40.1
Dividend per Share (1M KRW) 1,250 1,250 1,250
Nominal Value Payout Ratio (%) Cash 25.0 25.0 25.0
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Investment Index - Dividend for Past 3 years
Dividend for Past 3 years
Current Net Profit (1M KRW)
The 49th (2016/12) 37,676
The 50th (2016/12) 24,315
The 51th (2016/12) 27,540
The 49th (2016/12) 4,261
The 50th (2016/12) 2,750
The 51th (2016/12) 3,115
Total Dividend Amount (1M KRW)
The 49th (2016/12) 11,052
The 50th (2016/12) 11,052
The 51th (2016/12) 11,052
Payout Ratio (%)
The 49th (2016/12) 29.3
The 50th (2016/12) 45.5
The 51th (2016/12) 40.1
Dividend per Share (1M KRW)
The 49th (2016/12) 1,250
The 50th (2016/12) 1,250
The 51th (2016/12) 1,250
Nominal Value Payout Ratio (%)
The 49th (2016/12) 25.0
The 50th (2016/12) 25.0
The 51th (2016/12) 25.0
The 49th (2016/12) -
The 50th (2016/12) -
The 50th (2016/12) -