Binggrae Children's Art Contest

The Binggrae Children's Art Contest in May, the month of Family, along with our hope and future, the children, their parents, and teachers, is the best source of pride by Binggrae and the most honorable and traditional art contest for children.

Picture of a child sitting on matt and painting.
"The Children's Art Contest is a pride of Binggrae."
Since the 1st contest in 1986, the contest continued to become larger till now. The Binggrae Children's Art Contest is now divided into three regions - metropolitan region, central region, and southern region, and it is now a gigantic event with over 50,000 participants every year.
Picture of a Multiple yellow balloons.
"Bright World, Bright Heart"
"Bright World, Bright Heart," there are three sections for kindergarteners and lower graders of elementary school, elementary school students, and higher graders. During the event, there are various entertainment performance and recreation for children and parents.
Picture of presenting balloons and presents to children.
Blossoming Warm Family Love

Kids filling a drawing paper with limpid eyes and cute hands. Parents with smiles watching their kids.

The Children's Art Contest to see happy families on sunny day of spring is the bright heart and the bright world by Binggrae.