REAL FARM 진짜 농장이 온다! 게임을 즐기면 작물이 배달되는 신개념 팜 SNG

게임에서 지은 농사물이 진짜 배달된다!

  • 레알리 영농 조합 신문 - 레알 쿠폰을 모아 아래의 상품으로 교환할 수 있습니다. 신 또는 달인의 경지에 도달한 작물에서 레알쿠폰과 레알쿠폰조작이 나옵니다.
    레알 배달 아이콘

    Real Delivery!
    Farm products you grow in the game are actually delivered!

    If you enjoy the game, you can reap Real coupons for Realfarm products.

  • 20일간 가격변동 - 상한가 : 4,280 / 기준가 : 1.070
    레알 가격 아이콘

    Real Price!
    A market mechanism that has prices change according to product sales by users!

    Keep your crops in storage and sell them at higher prices to earn maximum 4-fold profits!

  • 해바라기_작물상태표시 / 온도관리 / 영양관리 / 믈관리 / 남은시간 (레알리 시간 : 31일, 당신의 시간 : 31분) / 타임리프를 나타낸 재배시스템
    레알 농사 아이콘

    A cultivation system that takes into account temperature, nutrition, and water!

    You must get right temperature, nutrition, and water as in actual farming to harvest good-grade crops.

  • 꽃피이이는 봄이구머언 사용자의 날씨가 구현된 날씨시스템
    레알 날씨 아이콘

    Real Weather!
    A weather system that is based on the actual weater data!

    Seasons and weather patterns realized are based on the actual meteorological data in Gangwon-do for past 60 years.

  • 레알 스토리 - 최춘삼 : 마을사람들한테 신뢰를 얻고 진짜 이웃이 되는거다.
    레알 스토리 아이콘

    Real Story!
    Real stories given to players who take up farm work!

    Now as a city person gone to the farm, experience the stories about our farm community.

REAL FARM 레알팜 등장인물 / 최춘삼, 조분녀, 이팔봉

On Realfarm, you must focus on crucial factors from actual farming such as temperature, nutrition, and water.
You just plant seeds and forget in other games, but to harvest good-grade products on Realfarm, you should take a good care of your crops as you would do in reality.

Just as prices can rise or sharply fall when farm products are actually made available for sales, Realfarm crop prices too change depending on how players actually sell their crops.
So, you should get the right timing to sell your good crops at a high price.

Furthermore, single-handed farm work would break a lot of bones.
Meet other players to cooperate and trade items.

If you have obtained Real coupons at the end of your hard farm work, you are now eligible for Realfarm products.

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